The acronyms BC -Before Christ and AD – Anna Domini – which means in the year of the Lord were accepted norms for years. However in the recent past part of the world prefers the acronyms BCE /CE which mean Before Common Era and Common Era respectively. These acrynoyms as you know are used to refer to different eras, but they still mean the same as BC and AD.
It is sad that in order not to give importance to Christians this change has been made. In India they have accepted these new acronyms with open arms as their aspirations are to make India a Hindu country
Do you think these changes should have been made?
I learned the originals and I am no about to try to learn the new ones. I am sure the old ones are still acceptable.
That needs to be seen. Perhaps Christian countries will stick to old ones.
Maybe for some, this is acceptable. But for me, this is a subtle way of denying one’s Christianity. This is just similar to the move to ban prayer (of any religion) in public schools in the US 15 years ago.
This was fine for years and years. I think it is being petty.