We go to the grooming salon for the benefit of our dogs. But it is usually during the rainy season when we cannot give our dogs a good bath. When it rains the weather is cold and the dog is difficult to dry that it can get sick from the exposure to the cold weather. That is why we bring the dogs to the grooming salon where bathing is comfortable.
But when the weather is warm, it is nice to give our dogs a bath. We can do the bathing ourselves which is special, of course. For our 3 dogs, it takes half a day for their bathing and grooming. But it is worth the effort because they would feel comfortable afterwards.
Do you bathe your dog regularly?
just once a week
we have no dog
I never had a dog. But when we lived in Latvia we bathed our cat once a month because he was an indoor and outdoor cat and often got dirty and his fur tangled.
We used to have a dog, and it was a good thing to do, with my wife helping me to bath, groom, and blowdry our dog dry.