this joke is a Venn Diagram of humor. you need to know some Spanish and English to get it. but on the intersection of graffiti and seasons greetings, you can find my favorite xmas meme
inspired by introvert’s holiday wishes
Question of
have you seen this before?
Question of
do you know any other Spanglish dad jokes?
I don’t know any Spanish jokes, my friend
that’s okay, not a lot of Spanglish outside of the US southwest
Good one Alex. We are seeing another side of you perhaps.
my saucy Spanglish side? I told you I live in LA
phonetic humor for the win!
it is pretty genius if you ask me
I know some, but they are more teenage-boy jokes than dad jokes.
if they aren’t gonna get you in trouble, go for it!
The usual “grassy ass” for gracias; and the joke about aunt Carmen being a Transformer because car=carro and men=hombres. They are not very funny, to be honest.
Since one of my favorite Christmas songs is Feliz Navidad I get the joke lol Some clever person that was
phonetic humor for the win!