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A Moonlight Walk

This past weekend  was the super snow moon. I didn’t find anything extraordinary, the moon pretty much looked the same to me, beautiful as ever. So my husband and I decided to take a short walk among the trees. Enjoying the crunching of the dried leaves under our feet , the cool wind on our faces, the pleasant, soft , milky light of the moon to show us our way, we walked in silence.

Although I couldn’t take a proper picture of the moon from the place we were at, I did get pictures of the moon peeping through the trees. The quite of the night, just the voices of nature and the soft breeze bringing us such a lovely feeling of happiness. We walked for a few kilometers before we called it a night.

The trees looked so different and mysterious under the moonlight, their shapes clearly outlined, without too many details to take away our focus. The light seemed to dance through the leaves as if playing hide and seek.  The wind with its eerie grumble rushed to catch the light, then the moonbeams accidentally stepped on  the older leaves and they fell to they ground with a thud, startling the humans around. As if enjoying the game now the moonbeams fell on drying twigs to fill our hearts with fear.

My imagination always speeds ahead of me on moonlit nights. I enjoyed the super moon , did you?

  • Question of

    Did you see the super Moon?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Did you see the super Moon?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Did you take a walk under the moonlit sky?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Did you take a walk under the moonlit sky?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by Dawn


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