
A Gold Sovereign Ring For A Life

I was a 21-year-old cop and my folks had given me a wonderful gold-sovereign ring for my birthday 3 weeks earlier. I was lying on the beach catching some sun and watching some people playing in the shallow water.

I was just about to turn away when my eye caught a huge wave breaking on the edge of the water. Suddenly a little toddler I was watching who was playing with a young woman, was missing! there was a frantic scurrying around by her woman.

I was suddenly in the water and touched a tiny leg just as another wave was crashing down on me. All I could do was hold the limp little girl aloft, above water. when I surfaced she was crying and coughing uncontrollably. as I held her upside down, she was wriggling wildly and every few seconds salt-water ran out of her mouth.

The poor little girl was hysterical. Back on the beach, the distraught young woman, her mom, rushed forward with arms outstretched to receive her rescued baby girl. A quick check over by the duty-lifeguard revealed that she was going to be okay. And as I walked back to my towel I noticed that my ring was missing! I rushed back to where I had entered the water but I never did see the ring again… I have no regrets about how I lost the ring.

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