Women Must Be Masters of Time Management (2/14)

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This article struck me because as a child I remember watching a movie where the woman was talking to her husband on the phone.  He called to check on the welfare of his wife and family as he was away on a business trip and she was at home with the kids.  He dropped dead while he was on the phone!  After getting over the shock of his sudden death, she immediately sobered up, called her kids into the dining room for a family meeting and told them she had to pick up where daddy left off or they were going to be on the streets!  In other words, she was going to have to take over and run the business their father had started in order to financially support the family.

Speaking as a woman and an impressionable child who watched that movie, let’s hope it doesn’t have to be the death of a spouse that becomes “the right time” for a woman to start a business or become the boss.

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