warm (3/5) List item Submitted to "Progressive Album Cover – WIP" Approved by Alex Ledante March 7, 2019, 1:52 am 35 Views 9 Votes 11 Comments Share Tweet Pin nice and subdued palette here MoreReport Item navigation Previous submission Next submission View full list Share Tweet Pin Written by Alex Ledante facebook pinterest twitter 11 Comments This one is my favourite, along with the raw version ?. 1 thanks for telling me your preferences 1 The trial and error method of your artwork. 1 I use an organic approach now, so there is a lot of trial and error It is a good average work of art on this image. Call it middle of the road. 1 yeah, it doesn’t have any serious problems but it doesn’t really stand out either… You have a good point there. 1 sometimes I try an effect and say “that’s it, done!” but not often… The same here when I do my fan fictions where I have to edit the material for not using sentences correctly. 1 Still prefer the raw but good like the effect of the clouds in background 1 they both have their charms 1
The same here when I do my fan fictions where I have to edit the material for not using sentences correctly. 1
This one is my favourite, along with the raw version ?.
thanks for telling me your preferences
The trial and error method of your artwork.
I use an organic approach now, so there is a lot of trial and error
It is a good average work of art on this image. Call it middle of the road.
yeah, it doesn’t have any serious problems but it doesn’t really stand out either…
You have a good point there.
sometimes I try an effect and say “that’s it, done!” but not often…
The same here when I do my fan fictions where I have to edit the material for not using sentences correctly.
Still prefer the raw but good like the effect of the clouds in background
they both have their charms