Mask Wearers are Collaborators Who Could Destroy Us All

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Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Dr. Vernon Coleman explains that the moronic, fear-inspired public who prefer to wear mask are just willing collaborators who follow the proposed agenda to help the elites to destroy society. Thereby, enabling the Zionist Elites to help them achieve the New World Order agenda.  Moreover, this Cornyflu Plandemic is really the Zionist Government preplanned agenda, in collaboration with the Gates Foundation, to depopulate the earth for the New World Order, before further controlling the rest of the population with microchip, surveillance, and transhuman methods.

Yeah, I agree that they are working on economic collapse to force everyone to do all their shopping online, in which I rarely do anyway.

I am suddenly realizing that these so-called Zombies are the brainwashed idiots in society who are dumb enough to follow the garbage on TV, or even still watching the rubbish-infested networks, and they are helping the Zionist Elites promote that garbage spewed at their face through the television screen.

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