Mano Po (3/5)

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Mano po

Pagmamano – or a way of asking for a blessing from the elders is an age old Filipino culture. Where the youngsters upon meeting older relatives, at least one generation up like the parents, uncles/aunts or grandparents, they would reach for the elderly’s right hand and say “Mano po.” and they would touch their forehead to the elderly’s backhand. 

The elderly would then respond “Kaawaan ka ng Dyos” or May God have mercy on you.

These days the youngsters would only day “Bless”  and the elderlies would say “God bless.”. In some families however this custom has been replaced by a kiss on the cheek or forehead to specially to the grandparents.

Written by artbytes26

I'm a self-taught photographer and artist, hobbyist, nature lover, photo editor. and a self trained web designer and developer.

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