Louis in his home (4/4)

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Submitted to "Care of Pet Birds"

Make sure the bird has enough room in its cage to get around in. Always when choosing any bird as a pet, check to see that the cage is suitable for the bird.

Try and make their life interesting. Birds make great friends.

When exercising a pet bird like a budgie make sure it is safe for him to fly by keeping doors and windows shut.

If a budgie is set free in New Zealand they will die, because the other birds and cats will kill him and they get more tired, usually exhausted. 

The most important factor in a pet, is tender loving care. To me, Louis is part of our family.

No guarantee by giving any pet all your love & care whether it lives long or short, but if you make an effort, its life will have a good quality .

Written by Pamela Moresby