This second video is this Youtuber’s Part 2 Video with a young guy who was in the court, and he has some inside information.
Wow, the two jurors that were pulled out were Johnny Depp supporters. It is proof that this whole thing is staged, which includes who remains on the jury.
This verdict will likely be staged so that Amber wins, even though no one has heard of her before, as well as no one likes her.
But this video is also guessing, based on the young guy who was actually in the court, from being there and watching the court action, as well as everyone’s actions.
If Amber Heart does win, which is likely to get her face out; at least now, people know who she is, even though she is now 36 years old, chubby, and plain-looking. I am sure when she was younger, in her 20s, she was thin and better looking, which didn’t even help her with her acting career when she had youth and looks. She should now prepare for her new future acting career with a stage name, Amber Turd because she finally created a name for herself, worldwide on the Internet as well as on TV, for her agenda, which was set up with her ex-bf Elon Musk, and her #MePooMovement which made her infamous worldwide. Congratulations, Amber Turd, you finally became a famous actress at 36!