In the garbage containers 2 (7/10)

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The Middle Ages have left the superstitious horror of the luminous cat lit eyes, as well as many other superstitions and dislikes, related to these animals, especially the black cat. For example, if you are thundering, you have to throw the black cat out, otherwise it can attract the thunder in the house and others.

During the Dark Ages of the Middle Ages in Europe, the cat gradually became something terrifying and scary. The Catholic Church began to see incarnation of the devil and death in it. For the cat in the fifteenth century there have been “black days”. The Pope of Rome, Innocent VIII, ordered the Inquisition to declare them to be witchcraft and unclean forces for the hell. And since the cats “did not want to acknowledge their sins,” they were subjected to torture and crucified, anathematized and burned in the pits thrown from the cathedral towers, living in vain, put into boiling oil, and so on. Especially black cats were hunted. For example, in Flanders, for example, almost 900 years have been the “feline Wednesday law” – every day on that day, cats were thrown out and towed from a high tower

Written by lacho59

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