First Clue I picked up… (2/14)

List item

I decided to elaborate on the first card to see where the trail of clues will lead me for today. The 2nd card I randomly picked from the center of the pile is Stars 17 card. It depicts a cat hanging out outside, during the nighttime hours, and the cat appears to be meditating on the stars. As it looks up to the sky, it sees the Lion constellation Leo. This card is about looking up to God, having faith about your life, and trusting God that everything will work out. But since I picked this card in reverse, it could mean that there is some blockage in my life.

The cat seems calm, sweet, and peaceful, as it is looking for guidance, and seeking this guidance in the stars, which in this case is the Leo sign of the astrology because Leo the Lion is a bigger cat and probably a role model for a domestic house cat. 

I also happen to be a Leo, which is probably why I relate with cats. 

But in human terms, this card is probably talking about praying to God at night, maybe even by your bedroom window. So, maybe I need to concentrate on removing this blockage…