Do-It-Yourselfers Decor (2/7)

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  • Do-it-Yourselfers might include people who are really good at arts and crafts that they have taken their hobby a level higher to create their own décor. This might include finding an old junk with potential at a junkyard, garage sale, or thrift store, and renovating it to look really stylish and modern art pieces. It might also include making your own macramé pot holders, ceramic pottery, scented candles, and patchouli. It might also include hanging your own paintings and photography on your walls. Or, you might also go to IKEA to build your own furniture, but organize IKEA furniture in a different way than it was originally intended for.
  • This photo is another old snapshot that I took at one of the spring garden shows. 
  • Enjoy your meals outdoors during springtime and summertime, whether in your backyard, on a balcony, or going to a park or beach for picnic meals.