These are not directly under the tree, but several yards away from it. I see four here. How many can you find? Looks are deceiving, though. These are just the ones on top. For every one you see, several are under the debris on the ground.
These are not directly under the tree, but several yards away from it. I see four here. How many can you find? Looks are deceiving, though. These are just the ones on top. For every one you see, several are under the debris on the ground.
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Pamela, I don’t even want to think about the weeding I will have to do after this rain. I don’t know how I’ll finish it.
Weeding a continual task.
@RexTrulove I don’t think it’s your imagination. The leaves are lighter and blow away more easily, just as those oak leaves blew over from across the street.
Is it my imagination or are there more seed pods than dead leaves?
Deepizzaguy, the seeds are nice in the image, but not so nice in my flowerbeds.
Nice tree seeds on this image.