This is how the ground looks under a goldenrain tree. Do you see the small round black seeds? Do you see all the pods, each of which expels several of these seeds every year between autumn and winter? These seeds are the reason this tree has made Matt Ritter’s list of the ten trees most likely to trip you on the sidewalk. (A Californian’s Guide to the Trees Among Us, Heydey Press) The seeds are like little ball bearings, and no one wants to step on those.
I can see where they would be invasive, but so pretty.
I love the colors, reminds me of fall.
They fall, all right. And sprout.
@RexTrulove Rakes wouldn’t get the seeds away — just the empty pods. The seeds are so small they are even hard to get rid of with my hands. Most I don’t see before they have sprouted.
It looks like it would be quite a bit of work to rake all that up every year. Not as much as with larger trees, but still…
Deepizzaguy, it seems to be a popular street tree, but it’s still invasive.
I see that the tree has some high marks from Heydey Press now.