
Wander project Waycross Camp Indiana…

Located just a little north of Lake Lemon where we used to keep our boat, is Waycross camp. A few years ago, my wife both attended Waycross Camp and was a camp counselor there. Our daughter did the same thing, she attended Waycross and also was a counselor there. Funny how the paths of mother’s and daughters often collide. Waycross was also a camp he boys attended when they got a little older.

It was the first time that my daughter was away from home for a week, the same is true for the boys. It was fun to be just the two of us again my wife, and I enjoyed the time, but we missed the kids it was good to have them home again. The camp was laid out with a conference center (our church went there a couple of times to use the conference center) and then a pool and cabins. The old farmhouse was used as a place for the counselors to stay.

Waycross also had a lake with canoes, lots of walking trails and nature. It sits in an area that has a few other cames including a girl scout camp and another church camp in the area. My favorite event at Waycross was the annual fall festival. There were booths and areas to wander around and enjoy the outdoors. I love being outside in the crisp fall air. There is something magical about wandering amongst the pumpkins!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!