I suspect if asked my five favorite places in southern Indiana Waycross would be on that list. It would most likely be number 5. I much prefer the campus of Indiana University, the wonder that is Marengo Cave and Corydon. Those would be my top three all-time favorite southern Indiana places. Number 4 varies, at one time when we lived there, I suspect Waycross was number 4 on the list, but now it would be the city of Bloomington.
My wife and I both spent a large portion of our childhoods in that city, and we visit now, as often as we can. Bloomington probably wasn’t in my favorite places to go list when I lived there. It is, however, the place I met my wife. It is the place that started our journey and our family history project. It is what was in our relationship. When things were different and our eyes were younger. Back then my wife and I would wander over to Boxman’s chicken (closed) and get a two piece meal.
We then would ride our bikes to the YMCA park and watch the kids play soccer and talk about what was to be. My wife, then my fiance wanted to go to Europe (we’ve been) and to travel (we have, Asia and Mexico, Europe). If we weren’t going to have lunch, we would take long walks ending up on Kirkwood for the Red Chair bakery and their amazing Chocolate Chip cookies (Red Chair is also now closed). Bloomington now is a place for much of memories as reality.
That photos are amazing. It looks like a fun gathering.
It was, too bad the pictures I took were so bad.