The images today are of my father at work in Thailand in the 1970’s. Many years ago now, but the genesis of the family history project is in these pictures. Yes, some are scanned sideways. Some are scanned upside down. It had to do with the scanning process and the time the scanners spent. It is funny when I think about the differences between the family my wife and I started and my parents family. But then also the similarities. My parents met in college in Wisconsin a state in the US. They moved around spending the time to Michigan, Iowa, and Chicago. My middle sister and I were both born in the suburbs of Chicago. Our family then moved to Bloomington Indiana. We lived in Thailand during the time we were in Indiana.
My parents stayed in Bloomington. I guess once you find the place you want to be, you stay. Like my parents, my wife and I moved quite a bit when our kids were little. We moved to Cincinnati, then Indianapolis and finally Maryland. Moving isn’t fun; I don’t remember much about moving from Chicago to Indiana other than we left a house that a vaguely remember and ended up in student housing in Bloomington. If you want to relocate to Thailand please check this link:
I do remember student housing in Bloomington. It was the early 1960’s, and Indiana University had US Army WWII barracks that were moved to a large open space near campus and were designated Graduate Student housing. My father came to Indiana University on an NSF scholarship to student science education.
I remember Hoosier Courts; it was a wonderful place to explore. Probably to my mother’s regret, my friends and I took the opportunity to explore everything. From Fire escapes to empty buildings. We were constantly on the run. Now that I think about it, my poor mother. Mom worked as the nurse at the daycare that was part of the graduate student housing area. I believe the daycare was also called Hoosier Courts, but that is a memory lost to time. I will end today’s post with a brief memory related to the pictures of my dad. Dad said he was 27 years old the entire time we were in Thailand. The culture in South East Asia often respected those with Gray hair and dad already had gray hair. He didn’t however, want to share his actual age. I guess he felt he was too young. The reason for the story, however, is that for the next 50 years when asked how old are you dad would say 27.
Your dad looks like a movie actor! Really cool photo!