
Wander project Greenwood, more of the backyard.

Our house in Greenwood was nestled right next to a railroad track and a railroad trestle. The track was still active with trains. For a couple of years there was a dinner train that used the track (we never quite got to ride the dinner train) but the coal trains bound for the IPL power plant just down the tracks from us, went by twice a day. In the early days after moving to the house, the boys would scream when the trains went by, the loud noises hurt their ears and scared them.

The backyard was a playground we worked on for many years. We had at various times the pool, a play yard, and a trampoline. As the kids got older and we found out that we couldn’t trust the neighbor kids (well we could trust our direct neighbors it was the kids on the other side of the court we couldn’t trust) we slowly took out everything. Funny how things like that change over the years. It was fun, however, while it lasted to have a backyard adventure.

The last few images today are various pictures of the wildlife, geese that invaded the pond in the spring. Gwen was scared of the geese, which was pretty funny. But then again, after the way she grew up in a puppy mill, she was scared of everything. Gwen ended up living nearly 16 years, although the last couple of years of her life were not the best for her. She was pretty feeble and weak at the end. But, she still stalked me when she could, even at 15. I miss the old girl sometimes.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!