
Wander project Chestertown Maryland

One of the funny curve balls life throws you is you start to get older. At a point along the way of aging, you start thinking about retirement. Things like, houses that don’t have stairs, and where you want to spend your golden years. Many people retire in place. They end up staying where they have been for many years because that is a comfort and home. We want to end up closer to the water in our golden years, so we are wandering Maryland this summer, looking for the last place we will call home.

The pictures today are from Chestertown MD. It, Chestertown, is on the other side of the Bay Bridge and in the part of Maryland that is East of the Cheseapke Bay. It is roughly 2 hours from our house without traffic, but come on people this is Washington DC so getting there took us nearly 2.5 hours. The way back should have been faster (it is easier to go from a place you know to a place you know). Sadly we caught the first part of the July 4th Bay Bridge traffic and sat for 35 minutes staring at the water off either side of the bridge.

Chestertown Maryland is nestled next to the Chester River. On the other side of the river is Kingstown, so you know they are old cities. The river feeds into the Chesapeake Bay, so it is part of the overall watershed.

The downtown area reminded me of Cambridge Wisconsin back in the 1970’s when I was wandering there. Fun little Maryland town. The only thing missing for it to be Cambridge, was the Barber pole and the Barbaer shop!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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