
Wander project the boys at Scout Camp…

I was in scouting for many years, but frankly, I grew up in different times. The boys, both, were deeply offended by the position taken by scouting in regards to what and how people are treated (in particular members of the LGBT community) and so they were only in scouting for a couple of years before we decided as a family not to continue. The images shared today are of their (the boys) camp experience while in Cub Scouts.

This is not, by the way, a political rant, it is simply a decision made by one family. Scouting did a lot of things for me that was special. But I do not condone the attitude or mistreatment of anyone for any reason other than if they are rude specifically to me. Rude people get what they get. Anyway, the images are of the Cub Scout Day camp. My wife accompanied the boys as they wandered to the day camp.

The camp itself is located outside of Greenwood. There are several large Boy Scout Camps in Indiana. The ones that I was most familiar with are located on Lake Monore (Camp Ransburg that may be spelled incorrectly) and then south of Lake Monore is Maumee. I went to Maumee for many summers. Maumee has a person made the lake and a great Horse trail. I swam my first mile swim at Camp Maumee. These images are from a camp owned by the Greenwood scouting council, and for the life of me, I couldn’t tell you where in Indiana they are.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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