For many years we would, as a family, head down to Bloomington Indiana for the 4th of July Parade. It is a declaration of our independence and a birthday celebration for America as well. We would, and did for many years sit in front of where my sister worked in Bloomington. The lawn and porch of the house, now a business on College Avenue, the parade walking right past us in all of its glory. We don’t live near enough now, since moving to Maryland to see the parade anymore.
We have only been in Indiana once since 2012, on the 4th of July, and that year it wasn’t really in the cards to go to the parade. I don’t remember many parades over the years that it rained. It did, however, rain on the 4th of July in Bloomington Indiana at least one time. The picture shared today of that rainy 4th. The parade went on, people soaked and wearing rain gear but we were there. Watching that parade as we did for many years.
Starting in 2000, and going all the way to 2011 we watched that parade every year. We saw the moments, the floats and the bands. We waited for the floats or people walking that was giving away candy. The children are scrambling to get candy. Never a lot, not like it was Halloween, pendulent bags of candy weighing the kids down. No this was small amounts of candy thrown in the general direction of where the kids were sitting. Moments in the sun, except for this year with the pictures. This year it was moments in the rain.
Happy rainy rainy day dear hehehe