Since the 1990s, Maghreb societies have been increasingly crossed by unprecedented transnational migrations, which are superimposed on each other and whose intensity is increasing: in addition to the arrival of sub-Saharan migrants In this region in order to join Europe, the Maghreb also develops its own internal migration (internal migration to each country and migration between Maghreb countries) and international (whose main flows focus on the European Union ), Becoming at the same time a transnational space of departure, circulation, return, transit and installation. Coming to the Euro-Maghreb circulation by playing with the borders of these countries and taking advantage of their geographical proximity to Europe and political relations,

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2 These populations hope to support themselves by using circulation and dispersion in space, and more concretely, the majority hope to be able to move and circulate in Europe from the Maghreb. But in the face of the progressive closures of the borders of the European Union (EU), they have been constrained, and still are, to settle in this region for a longer time. They must then reorganize and redefine their migratory project. Subsequently, the Moroccan platforms, which are recognized along the routes drawn by these new forms of migration, become places of social condensation on the basis of which these populations, in constant mobility, reconfigure the forms, times and territories of migration, Seeking new destinations and new migration routes,

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3 It was in the 1980s that a turning point in the Moroccan migration system took place: these (…)
Now, when we observe today these steps through which these new migrants pass through Morocco, they are already impregnated by all the social relations that previous migrants have woven; They were already marked by mobility and migration, both internally and internationally. In the Maghreb, these migratory movements, of which a large part of the flows are captured by the Euro-Maghreb circulation, are therefore superimposed in the same spaces: the majority of these migrants, old and new, Maghreb and sub-Saharan, foreign and national, Go through the same stages, they circulate from the same spaces. In particular, the large cities of the Maghreb are becoming migratory relays, Whose importance is constantly increasing under the constant influx of these migratory dynamics. Some urban spaces and certain neighborhoods are worked by mobility with recurrence. with Virikson Morocco Holidays In Morocco, in particular, cities like Tangier, Rabat, and Casablanca were already since the 1980s, migratory relay for Moroccan emigration candidates, before becoming, we’ll look for sub-Saharan migrants.

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4 Thus, migrant populations (or having a link with migration) with disparate origins, pass, circulate and settle in the large Maghreb cities, superimposing their mobilities, their logic, and their migration strategies. For all these transnational migrants, Morocco is the final stage before the jump to the EU. The increased border surveillance arrangements and the cooperation of local authorities with the EU in its relatively uniform and unilateral control of draconian control Migratory flows, make this passage more and more delicate. This leads to an extension of the stay and therefore an obligation to fit into the local social fabric. These new migrants then established, from the Moroccan metropolises, a space of circulation which became by force of things,
5 It is easy to conceive that if these sub-Saharan transmigrants, regardless of their status and origins, apprehend these cities as migratory relays, it is because they think they will find social relays that will allow them to introduce themselves And means of subsistence. Generally speaking, if new sub-Saharan migrants are constantly arriving and circulating in the Maghreb area, it is because they find resource persons in these stages who tell them how to fit in Survive until the next start. The relational density implies a demographic density. Little by little, Maghreb metropolises became, despite appearances, the privileged stages for these sub-Saharan transmigrants, Who find all the elements necessary for their survival and the realization of their migratory project. However, if this is the result of the sedimentation of the migratory experiences of the first transmigrants that have transmitted and which have spread along the migratory networks, it remains that before the arrival of these new migrants, these cities were already Stages for Maghreb migrants.
Hi, this is Maria from London, United Kingdom. Since 2008, I am writing creative, informative and adventure packed articles and personal experiences, sharing them on various platforms websites and forums. I want to write for your travel section of the website. Please allow me to deliver you an information filled articles without any demand of any price.
Imagine if these folks would turn around and head back to their lands of birth and form groups of positive action takers unite, against the very puny forces of evil who are cowards without their guns and drive them off. There are bloodless coups happening regularly, (Like Zimbabwe) to mention one country. The will of the people can succeed, I have seen what power exists in numbers who unite in a common goal. I was a soldier with 4 years of bloody combat experience in Angola. Maria, you are on a good platform here at Virily, your command of English is superb why not write perhaps a little more succinctly about day to day migrant struggles, but write also about tiny victories you hear about every day. perhaps also get in touch with Lauren Southern-
sad but so good to read your post