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Top 10 most famous places to visit in Sudan

Exotic Sudan – from the hot deserts in the south to the mountains in the north. Tourism is only starting in the country, so travel to Sudan will get you into unharmed corners of human hands, which will provide exceptional adventure. When you travel to Sudan, you will probably start a walk through the mysterious Meroe Pyramids. Pyramids built about 500 m. BC. It is very different from Egyptian pyramids. Tourists can enter the pyramids here and look at the wall drawings and hieroglyphs in them. The best time to visit them – before the sunset, when the rays of the sun paint the pyramids with golden hues.

The largest city of Sudan, Omdurman, is located opposite the capital of Khartoum, attracts by the Islamic old city, the magnificent and modern mosque in the city center and the romantic bridges across the Nile River to other cities. Be sure to go to the Old Market, where you can see and buy the traditional country handicrafts and even camels.


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Written by Fortune


  1. It didn’t come across in my mind about traveling in Sudan. But then, when I saw the photos, it had changed my mind. There are so many things to see here.

  2. As I have only traveled to Morocco and Luxembourg, Sudan seems to have beautiful and old features to visit. The beautiful pictures say a thousand words of the olden days of this country.