
My Picks For Cool Tweets About Indochina

I randomly picked the word “Indochina” and the statistic popped up which reported “470 tweets”.  I’m not sure what the time frame is for that number of tweets(per minute, per hour ..??).  But that was a surprising number because I watch world news reports on a regular basis and rarely hear a mention about Indochina.

By the way, if you ever need to get a quick snapshot of a particular country, just check the CIA World Factbook.  It’s available to the general public and it’s an amazing resource.

Indochina is not a country.  It is a peninsula in SE Asia comprised of a group of countries.  So you won’t find “Indochina” in the listing of countries covered in the Factbook.  But you will find some information about Indochina if you check material published by the CIA.  It’s there if you want to read it but uumm… it’s complicated.

Would you believe the first tweet I saw for “Indochina” was about a toy soldier?  That area is kind of a hotspot for military activity.  But it also has a few romantic hotspots.



What do you think?


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