
The reality of technology posts is that sometimes people reply with disinformation.

One of the things that I notice and it makes me nervous is the amount of disinformation pushed out by people on the internet. In particular, the area that I am most concerned now is the reality of technology improvements. Many people expound about the minimal changes that a new version of a phone, tablet or computer has, without actually knowing what they are talking about. That worries me because people read the disinformation and believe it to be real. That disservice allows people to consider the information they read on the internet about something to be a fact, when in fact it is not.

The best example I can give is the disinformation being cast about (I think the phrase now is casting shade) the new phones that are available. The new Samsung Galaxy 8 and the new iPhone 8 are built around new 64 bit processors.Why does that matter? Well in the world of AR and VR, the previous processors in both products were good, but will not allow for the full AR and VR experience. Samsung even has a variation of their own VR headset you can get with your phone.

VR and AR are the future, having a processor now that can support the future is critical. The other thing the new processors do is enable the future. Don’t be boxed in, or buy the disinformation pushed out in the shade world. No one needs to upgrade their phone. But if you want to have more support for AR/VR now, you should strongly consider an upgrade. If you don’t intend to do either AR/VR in the near term then, by all means, stay with the phone you have. What is inside the phone is more important than the fact that the phone looks like every other version of the same phone. Aren’t looks relevant, right? We live in a world where facts matter! Do not be fooled by confidence, instead focus on what the facts are!

For phones, tablets and computers memory, processor and wireless connections matter. The technology changes in those areas are significant and you should verify all information you read posted about the new devices. Trust, but verify is my rule for information on the internet!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!