
How Writing Sites Destroy Themselves – Part 22

When a site wants to get rid of you and steal your work, it needs to have a reason. Very often it will get one of their Shills to attack you. You are expected to respond. This will get you banned.

You will be banned, your work will be stolen.

On Tuetego, a scam site, this is exactly what happened. The site was not paying, and because I was being quiet, a Shill was sent to attack me.

Instead of responding, I quietly deleted all but two of my items.

I know how these sites act. If you don’t ‘bite’ the first time, they’ll figure out some other way to steal your writing and lock you out.

By quietly deleting, they have nothing to ‘get’.

In fact, they may not even be aware that you’ve deleted.

Never respond to an attack. There is a difference between a comment such as;  “I disagree with your statement in that……”   and;  “You publish garbage all the time…”

When you get the attack, do NOT respond. Remove your work.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar