When you are on a site, and someone acts as if they have power or control of the site, do a check. Do a check so that You don’t make an idiot of yourself.
On every site I’ve found average users pontificating as if they are the Owner/Admin.
Some years ago, on a writing site, a particular user, (Call him Blowhard) began to ‘instruct’ other users about what they should/should not write about, and how they should/should not comment.
He was one of those guys who thinks they know everything, so if they pontificate about something they know nothing about. If you call them on it, they attack like a rabid dog.
On the particular site I happened to have a fairly good relationship with an actual Admin who told me that Blowhard was full of beans, (not the exact term used) and nothing he said had any impact on the site for it was going to cease to pay by next month.
Subsequently, this was posted so that every single user was alerted that the site would cease to pay and that articles should be removed.
Blowhard disappeared at that alert, proving, (if anyone needed proof) that he knew nothing, had no power.
So always check who is the Admin/Owner before you tumble down the worm hole.
i suspect based on the dearth of information from the admin team here we are all on the line half blowhard, half not.
In life I always get personal…..’He’s very nice TO ME..” because I don’t know how this guy treats others.
With sites it is the same…..I only know what I experience. I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t know if the site is being sold, closed, whatever.
without a communications structure, the site becomes two encampments. The authors of a writing site (per this example) one camp. The admin team becoming the other. It is sad because, on sites where we work together, things flow much better.
I have in the past, been treated well by this admin team, but i think the original group has moved on. the new group is overworked and underpaid (my personal opinion) based on the emails they have actually sent me.
I’m prepared for the possibility of trying to log on and finding the site is gone. I know I don’t sound positive
i suspect if we consider the situation right now, that might be possible. But let’s steer away from negative conversations about the death of something still alive for now.
i know I don’t sound positive…
its ok, there are lots of things to be concerned about right now. It is not the time of being positive across the board.
i do understand the framework of negative around us now.