You join a dating site.
You are contacted by someone who seems ‘special’. You really like this person. The two of you chat about lots of things.
The only problem is that they live in Manchester and you live in Sheffield. Or they live in Montego Bay and you are in Kingston
simply put they live a good distance away.
In a way, however, you feel safe because of the distance. You share a lot more personal stuff, maybe secret stuff.
For example he writes:
“Strangest thing.. went round to visit a mate and he told me the key was under the mat…”
If you respond; “That’s not strange, I keep my spare key under the flower pot…”
The next day, when you are at work/standard appointment at the hairdressers/attending church services, you will arrive home to find all your valuables missing.
That is because that someone who lives in ‘Manchester’ or ‘Montego Bay’ actually lives in your city, knows your address, and their source of income is this scam.
it is one of the biggest scams on the Internet. well put!
To use them requires revealing personal information which you’d never share on other sites. People have to be wared
there are services that are legitimate. but you have to sort through so much chaf to find the tiny bit of wheat.