
Can't Waste My Time

I use Ad Blockers.  Really effective.    If I go to a site which states I can’t view it unless I disable the blocker, I go to another site.

One of the most annoying things is blah blah designed to appear to be an interesting article.  You see the blurb, click, but it’s nothing but repetitious rubbish, page after page, because it is jam packed with Ads.

Instead of telling the story of some garbage man in a paragraph or two, it wants to drag it for ten screens, each jammed with Ads.   But I can’t see the Ads and of course, realising this is nothing but pointless blah blah created as wall paper for the Ads, I’m gone.

I have to bless my Ad Blockers tho’.    The rest of the world is being assaulted by Advertisement, and I’m just seeing blank spaces.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar


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