I have decided that I need a theme for the week if I am going to be able to keep on going. So these are my three words for the next seven days. I am hopeful that you will all leave suggestions for the next week. So please put on your thinking caps and get ready to leave comments.
This week I am starting a new assignment so I have to Learn, Live, and Laugh. If I somehow fall off track I am hopeful that someone will pick me up and head me in the right direction. IF we are a TRUE community that is what this site will blow up with. Many comments, people helping each other and learning together.
I am excited about something else tonight. It looks like we might be able to see the satellite train tonight. We will be out and looking for the big dipper and the satellites. It should be a good time.
Thanks for your time and I’d love to have a conversation.
I love you are great words for any day of the week. Stay well my friend.
I will keep trying! That’s all I can do!
The satellites must be an amazing view!
They were and it felt like they were very close. They said there were 59 of them. I wasn’t counting.
ellie925 – I posted a youtube of it. It was not taken at my house but it was very similiar. Our sky was darker. Check it out.
That’s great, I will take a look. They were visible here too, but I missed it.
My topic and excitement for this week is: Will the Spanish Government allow us on May 2 walks. I secretly hope they do not reject this idea.
I hope that you get to do what you love as soon as it is safe.
Glad to know you are on the same page.
The satellite train was amazing and quick. Now I am wondering what those satellites are going to be used for.
Dogs are very forgiving as I recall.
accidental upvote sorry about that!
we sat down Saturday and compared our wish lists. So many of the things were similar. we picked four short term to work on!
Now for funny – yesterday the dogs were having a bark fest. As in if a left blew by the house they were barking. I was trying to figure out why, finally went to the front room and realized that the doorbell (it is in the front room) was buzzing. I disconnected it, the dogs stopped barking at everything. i then cleaned the housing and turned it back on.
I yelled at the poor dogs for two hours. Instead of walking into the room and checking!