
Medicinal herb for women

The cosmopolitan weed plant I want (Capsella bursa posteris), which grows all over Europe except in the extreme north, is extremely valuable in medicinal terms. It is most often located by roads, in yards and abandoned meadows. She got her name after the children’s game “I will not,” and “she loves me-she does not like me”, which is most often performed with her heart-shaped leaflets. Due to the shape of the people it is called the “shepherd’s purse”, but also the russell, the girl’s grass and the cat’s heart. It is treated as a weed plant and therefore little is known about its medicinal properties.

It is widely used in Germany, France and Italy, but it is not yet fully accepted in pharmacy. Studies have shown that it is non-toxic, and the chemical composition of this plant is very diverse and interesting. It contains alkaloid bursin, glycoside hizopin, flavon, diosmetin, malic acid and citric acid, as well as sulfur – essential oil. Leaf rosemary contains provitamin A, vitamins B2, K and C. Effectively stops bleeding from the stomach, intestines and kidneys because it has the ability to clog the blood vessels. It is especially important that this plant regulates blood pressure and is therefore equally useful for both elevated and reduced pressure. It is also used as a means of facilitating labor and breeding, and in addition, increases fertility in women. The medicinal properties of this plant are well known, it is most emphasized as the best remedy for women – it is excellent for preventing the outflow, alleviating painful periods (hence the name of the female grass)


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Written by Branka Drobnjak