
Intelligent Quotient -13

When one is Emotionally Ignorant, unable to pick up the sentiments of those around them, they are doomed to fail.   No matter intelligent they may be, their inability to ‘read’ others will destroy them.

Where an Emotionally Intelligent person can ‘pick up’ animosity, and deal with it, the Emotionally Ignorant doesn’t even imagine it exists.

The employee, stewing with anger over some event may say, “Sure Boss,”  and not perform the action required.

The spouse, who has lost all respect and interest , will not disagree.

The silence is taken for acquiescence when it is contempt.

This is why and how the Emotionally Intelligent succeed  they can ‘feel’ the sentiments of others, those who are not, can not.  This is why many events take those in power by shock.   They do not perceive the real feelings of their people.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar


  1. This is so very true. No matter how smart you think you may be, there are many levels of intelligence that have to be involved or you will never understand others. Some are not capable of understanding true feelings.

    • Emotional Intelligence is moving upwards in the assessment of those who make appointments. I recall when Mediation first came to my country and the gov. invited a number of people from lawyers to senior police officers and for most part, they missed the point. When the invites were moved to receptionists and other people who deal with the public, the abilities they showed were magnificent.