Yes I was wondering where your written post was. I have not written any post for a while now so guess it will be a challenge again. Nonetheless your photo is one of a thousand words. All I can say is simply wow. I have seen deers in my backyard but never an elk. Great photo!!!
Yes I was wondering where your written post was. I have not written any post for a while now so guess it will be a challenge again. Nonetheless your photo is one of a thousand words. All I can say is simply wow. I have seen deers in my backyard but never an elk. Great photo!!!
My brother has to take the photo – I shake too badly.
wonderful capture indeed…..
Thank you and because you took the time to leave a comment check this out.
So umm, the words all disappeared and so has the edit button. I assume the picture will be gone soon too. Maybe it is not a Virily Day.