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The cala, or water lily, is very appreciated in the confection of bouquets and floral centers, decoration of ponds, flower in pot, cut, etc.

The Zantedeschia aethiopica is the well-known one like cove or lily of water. It has many names for which it is known as alcatraz, cala de Etiopia, cartridge, duck flower, jug … and is from the family of the Araceas.

It is a herbaceous plant of South African origin widely used ornamentally for its great beauty. And it is that these semi-aquatic plants with such large leaves can not miss in a beautiful garden.

They are very appreciated in the confection of bouquets and floral centers, decoration of ponds, flower in pot, cut, etc.

Everyone knows the appearance of a cove. That big and striking funnel-shaped white sheet does not leave anyone unnoticed.

The cala can measure more than one meter in height and produce about 2 or 3 flowers per plant. These are about 5 or 6 centimeters long and are surrounded by this white trumpet-shaped spathe. The spathe, which is what looks like a petal, surrounds the organ of the flower (spadix) which is yellow and remains from spring to autumn.

Its flowers are perfumed and give off a very attractive smell, but be careful because both the flower and the rest of the plant are toxic to humans and animals.

Although the most characteristic color is white, you can also find yellow, orange, pink or purple calas.

The water lily needs a different amount of water depending on the time of year in which we find ourselves. When it is blooming, that is, in spring, it needs a lot of water. It is true that we must be careful because ponding can damage the rhizomes.

When the hot season is over, this precious plant needs less water although it prefers humid areas with abundant water as a habitat.

We must reduce irrigation gradually as autumn approaches. If you see the leaves wither a little, do not worry. Due to the change of irrigation it is normal. Cut those that are not well and thus favor the flowering.

The cala prefers shaded or semi-shaded areas. An excess of sun can harm it, so it is better to have it in dark and humid corners for maximum flowering.

He likes soils with good drainage and organic fertilizer in spring. The important thing is that the land is fertile and well drained.

As for the climate, it can withstand low temperatures but not reach frosts. They only survive these if they are completely submerged in the water.

Its optimal location is around a pond, although being a semi-aquatic plant it can be cultivated in a pot if part of it is submerged in water. It can also be used as an indoor plant and is highly demanded as a cut flower.

It is recommended to take it outside when spring arrives and avoid it being at temperatures below 10 degrees.


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Written by SpgBongSoon

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