
Bayer to donate 3 million malaria tablets to fight Covid-19

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Earlier this week, Bayer announced that the pharmaceutical company will donate three million tablets of their malaria drug to the US to be used to treat patients with Covid-19.

The drug Resochin is currently being tested and has shown to quell the symptoms of coronavirus in early results.  Resochin consists of chloroquine phosphate.  This malaria drug could possibly work because Resochin has been proven to kill pathogens without harming the body.


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Written by ahol888

Coolest dwarf in the world. Expert on the topic of mediocrity.


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  1. In my country, they will use quinine based drugs. Quinine (C20H24N2O2) is a naturally white, crystalline alkaloid with a bitter taste and with antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory action used in the treatment of malaria

  2. I would like to have more information about this medication and see the test tesults. Bayer had a vested interest that this treatment will work. The company has been getting a lot of bad press lately. So if this trearment works it could save the bottom line.


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