
What To Expect When You Get A Hair Restoration Procedure

More commonly called a hair transplant, a hair restoration procedure is becoming popular now that plastic surgeons have mastered the technique to make your hair look natural.

When you feel like you are losing your hair quickly and are not ready to just let it go and be bald, then you are probably looking to have this procedure done. Now, a hair restoration is not for everybody, but even if you are convinced that you are going to do it, there is a lot you should know before you do.

In this article, I will go over what it is like to have a hair restoration done by surgeons like you’d find at SpaMedica.

How does a hair transplant work?

The hair restoration operation consists of taking healthy hair roots from one part of your head and grafting them into the bald area.

See, the problem is that your bald spot is like a desert. There are no roots to grow as they have all died. No matter what treatment you do with chemicals or other hair loss remedies, there is no coming back for those roots.

When the surgeon takes a root from a healthy area of the head and inserts it in the spot where you have lost roots, it is able to flourish and grow back over time. 

The amount of roots necessary will depend on how big your bald spot is and how much hair can be harvested from other spots on your head without leaving a visible scar.

Who is a hair transplant for?

Candidates for a hair restoration procedure are men suffering from male pattern baldness, or women who are also thinning, or anybody with scarring from an accident or surgery.

Male pattern baldness is a condition that is also called androgenic alopecia. It is a genetic condition in which androgen hormones kill off the roots of your hair in certain spots on your head. For some reason, it only affects the top of the skull and the sides and back are left healthy.

Male pattern baldness is irreversible so that makes guys that have it the perfect candidate.

There are other reasons you can lose your hair and in some cases it will grow back so those people shouldn’t get a transplant. For instance, if you are going through cancer treatments, have spotty hair loss due to other forms of alopecia or are going through some illness which causes thinning.

What happens after?

You’re likely to go through several visits before you’ve finished the entire process. And with each visit, you are likely to experience numbness where the grafts were done.

The grafts are not full strands of hair, so you will see small dots around the area where you had the work done. To the horror of many guys that get the procedure done, the hair starts growing and then falls out. This is normal.

After a while, it will regrow and look and feel like real hair. It is real after all. 


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Written by Virily Editor


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