
Short story: Jack's number was up in more ways than one, when he visited a master numerologist

Jack was going through a difficult period of his life. He was 55, and his wife had just left him for a much younger, more well-built man.

Jack had always had a wimpish type of a build, thin and wiry, you might say, but no, his wife described as thin, and cottony, as he was very weak, as weak as a piece of cotton.

Jack’s friend Alan, advised him to go and see a numerologist, Hailey Neuma, a master numerologist, who had been figuring the numbers, for over sixty years.

Hailey never told anyone his age, but he looked ancient, around 80, or more.

Jack made an appointment with this man, and soon enough, he found himself seated in the man’s office, in the small rooms that he hired, for his business to run in.

Hailey said to Jack.

“In every person’s life, there are three very important numbers that describe the way that their life is destined, or panned out, or karmically configured to go towards.”

“The first number is your ‘life number’. It is derived from your birthdate.”

“The second number is your “name number”, derived from your name.”

“The third number, I will tell you the next time you are here.”

“So now, let’s begin calculating these first two numbers for you then.”

“First your Life number.”

“What is your date of birth?”

Jack answered, “18 March 1956”.

Hailey said then,

“To determine your life number, we simply add the numbers in your birth-date together, to end up with a simple one-digit number.”

“We do this then.”

Hailey wrote the following sum down on a sheet of paper.

1 + 8 + 3 + 1 +9 +5 +6 = 33.

“Then we reduce this number too”, he said.

3 + 3 = 6.

“The number 6 is your life number.”

“Now, numerology works a bit like Astrology. Each number means something, like a star sign, does too.”

“I have written this small tract that will give a detailed explanation as to what each number stands for, or means.”

Hailey then gave Jack his small self-published booklet on numerology.

(Hailey was a pleasant old man, but with a certain roughness to him too. He thought that what he knew was the truth, not to be argued against.)

“Suffice it to say, though, your number 6, has a history to it of being connected to the negative forces. You will always need to be combatting this force in your life.  Number 666, a triple fold, representation of this number, is figuratively known as the number of the beast.”

“Some people will tell you that this is actually a good number. You are optimistic, lucky, and selfless. This though is a trick of the beast. Actually, the opposite traits to this are which are strongest in you.”

“These are negativity, materialism, and a tendency to be selfishly greedy, self-centered, and opinionated, and high-headed.”

“Now to your name number.”

“What is your full name, Jack, including any middle names that you might have?”

“My full name is, Jack Reynoldo Simkins,” Jack answered.

“Ok, then,” answered back Hailey.

“This one is easy to calculate. We work it out in the same general way as before.”

“Jack has four letters in it, Reynoldo has 8, and Simkins has 7 letters.”

“So 4 + 8 + 7 = 19. Then 1 + 9 =10, and finally, 1 +0 =1.”

“Your name number is the number, 1.”

“This is a good, positive, well-focused number, complete within itself. But with you, it fights against your life number. This is common with these two numbers.”

“You do not really like your given name, do you Jack?”

“No,” said Jack. “My mother was called Jacquiline, and I was named after her.”

“Yes, yes, I could see that,” replied Hailey.

“You suffer from inner conflicts. Your mind is strong, but it always opposes your heart. You seldom follow your intuition, do you Jack?”

“Yes, that’s right,” volunteered Jack.

“My intuition is actually quite strong. I am always being guided, and told what to do, in any given situation, but I never follow this advice. Many times, I have been upset with myself for my not doing this,” said Jack.

“Numbers are only important in this time-based world of duality,” Hailey then pensively, rather thoughtfully, uttered, as he stroked his chin, with one old gnarled hand.

“They provide helpful guideposts for our journey here.”

“Numbers are related to time, and they gain importance within that realm, but in the higher worlds, numbers are largely meaningless, and carry no such weight, as love is infinite in its scope, as are all other attributes of God also, generosity, patience, goodness, wisdom, all are infinite in their scale, or their scope.”

“Well, we are finished here for today,”

Hailey then rather abruptly said, checking his watch.

“We have actually gone over the hour session by ten minutes.”

“I look forwards to seeing you again next week, for the second of our meetings, that you have booked with me.”

Jack paid over his $60, and left Hailey’s office. He walked out to the carpark there, got in his car and drove home.

Unfortunately, Jack never made it home that day.

A large Mack truck with the number plate, DVL666, cleaned him up. His number was up!

Photo Credit: The photos used in this article were sourced from the free media site,

Perhaps, this Budweiser truck was carrying a posthumous message for Jack then, to,  “be wiser, bud”.

“Do not trust every charlatan, that you meet, even if they do appear to be old and wise to you.”

Love’s messages come directly to us, seldom via a medium. We need to trust our intuition.

Jack had actually had a Big Mac hamburger, for breakfast that morning, but he had never realised, that this was a premonition of what he might have later too, another bigger Mac was to have him for dinner.


What do you think?

10 Points

Written by The Dunce


    • Yes, our thoughts and emotions are usually stronger and louder, unless we take steps to quieten them, or to put them aside for the moment, to allow the softer voice of our intuition to be heard more clearly.

  1. Sometimes the consequence is not so bad.

    I often get an intuition when I am driving, not to go a certain way, and then, when I ignore the intuition, there is invariably a road problem, or an accident on the way I have gone, that then delays me.

  2. Yes, it is often very important to do so. Sometimes, as with Jack, in my story, it can be a matter of life and death.

    Think of those people who get an intuitional nudge not to fly on a certain plane, and then it crashes, for example.

    • Sorry, I pushed the wrong reply button.

      Yes, it is often very important to do so. Sometimes, as with Jack, in my story, it can be a matter of life and death.

      Think of those people who get an intuitional nudge not to fly on a certain plane, and then it crashes, for example.

      • It’s okay. That’s true. I can relate to the example you’ve given and have heard stories of people who didn’t board a public vehicle or airplane, and it turned out to be lucky for them.

        • I put the reply in the wrong spot again. It’s annoying.

          Sometimes the consequence is not so bad.

          I often get an intuition when I am driving, not to go a certain way, and then, when I ignore the intuition, there is invariably a road problem, or an accident on the way I have gone, that then delays me.