I drive passed this church every time I go to work and just wonder why it the building hasn’t been torn down yet. The members still hold Sunday service there despite it appearing like it is on its last days of standing. Known as Greater Bethlehem Baptist Church.

Sculpture by Pablo Picasso from a distance at Daley Center Plaza

Sculpture by Pablo Picasso from a distance at Daley Center Plaza

Daley Center Plaza

Holding area for Batwoman casting at James R Thompson Center
#photo #blogger #google #casting #chicago #batwoman #pictures #picasso #thomasgouard #photographer #virily
i remember most of the places (except the last one). Great pictures!
I am sure you have seen it before, it is the James R Thompson Center; that unique looking building near Daley Plaza.
ah inside the Thompson center – yes then I have seen that one as well!!!
I am sure that I have shared pictures of it because it is on my cycling route.
inside is different than outside, not sure I was ever in the building!