Standing center stage, as Principal of the High School I had just announced that a dating service, to test it’s algorithm would match members of the Senior Class and as a gift for our participation, pay for the Prom.
This got a cheer.
I then turned the assembly over the the official from the Dating Service who, being one of those professional phonies, was well liked by the kids.
We had eighteen more girls than boys which would be a problem, but I suspected some of the kids would not attend, maybe for religious reasons or their parents would be taking them somewhere right after the last exam, etc.
My hurdle was that I could envision Handsome Jock saying, “No Way!”if he found he was matched with Fat Girl, or Queen Janelle refusing to dance with Geeky kid, I made it clear that not until the day of the Prom would results be announced.
After the professional phony had completed her presentation, I returned to the microphone and made it clear that Anyone who objected to the ‘date’ would not be admitted.
I stressed that the Dating Service needed a live test of the matching algorithm. There might be glitches and we were to solve them.
Anticipation for the Prom was off the scale. Every student was excited, every student was part of this experiment.