
Need Some Time, Some Peace and Some Quiet

I have no desire to argue, to teach, to defend, and to explain.  It’s been rough. I am certain it has for everyone. I come back from setting the headstone to words that I didn’t need to hear. I would like some time to grieve and I would like to be able to express those emotions and there be enough respect to let me have that time. If I am ready and desire to talk to anyone about it, I am certain the conversation will begin in a private message. I am okay to sit here, write, and spin while I work through all that has happened.

If I have asked you not to interact with me, I would appreciate it if you could respect my wishes. It’s perfectly fine to agree that we have nothing in common and our values are not the same at all. As adults, we can respectively choose who we want to create friendships with. 

It would be appreciated if I could have that time.

There are no lyrics playing in the song and I find in comforting. There may be others who find it comforting as well. I hope so.


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter

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