
Most Misunderstood

I have tried a lot of things on here, and I have decided my most misunderstood post was thing one.  Since I can rarely get the trivia and quiz templates to work I was experimenting with other ways to make things interesting. The article that no one seemed to understand was the one about “Lachnophobia. 

I put it in a gallery and photos and the challenge was to leave a comment to see if you thought this would be found in the nightmare of someone with Lachnophobia. Me, and my naive little self thought someone might look up the word and clearly identify which were pictures of vegetables.  I had done something similar on my personal blog and it went over very well there. I have to assume the audience is very different here. Sometimes I wonder how many even take time to read the post. Not that it matters one way or the other. It’s simply an observation.

Will I continue to mix things up? Probably. It amuses, entertains and challenges me to get out of my comfort zone and do something different. I dance to a different beat of the  kokopelli I guess.

So if you have the fear of vegetables, some of those pictures might have been in your nightmare.


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter