
Making Circles – 10

That summer, my family and I went away together.

We  did one of those historical/educational tours which we all enjoyed.

A lot of kids I know went back packing through Europe or on some kind of rite of passage quest; after all, we had graduated High School, we were now adults or near adults. Some turned 18 in January, and some, like Laurie, would not hit it until November.

But I, although technically an adult was taking this last summer of being a kid with my parents.

Unlike other kids, I never had a problem with my family. I loved my father and mother and all the bunches of aunts and uncles and cousins. Being with my parents was no pressure. Unlike my peers, wee I had to like certain music and fashion,  with my parents I could be myself.

Come September I was enrolled at the Community college, would get two years, then transfer to University.

In this way, I saved my parents a lot of money.

I had gained a partial scholarship to University. By taking all the ‘required’ courses at Community, the partial would be enough to get through the important two years of chosen majors and minors at University.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar