Kevin Rupp - Keep Hope Alive

This father’s heartfelt farewell to his dying daughter will make you believe in hope again.Credit: Goalcast

Posted by Jay Shetty on Saturday, 21 April 2018



My Sunday morning started pretty bleak. Saturday I learned that someone who I loved and admired had passed away and I hadn’t been told in time to go to her funeral services. I would have loved to be there and let her family know how much she had done for me. I don’t think they know. Of course I will send a letter, but it is not the same.

Then I turned on the news and got all worked up about Michelle Wolf. I was so disappointed that I wrote an entire post on it.  Seems kind of silly because very few actually read my posts, however, my digital footprint is here and someday my grandchildren will read this and say “Trenna was always true to her heart.” (Yes, they call me Trenna, just like their Grandpa does and I am honored.)

To watch this Video click on the link in purple that says Kevin Rupp – Keep Hope Alive. I truly hope you watch and I hope it makes you feel just the way I felt. With love, Trenna


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Written by Ghostwriter