
False Flag in Venezuela

Tuesday, 2.26.19

According to this video, CIA-created puppets have started their havoc in Venezuela to mess with the country, takeover Maduro with Giado, and invade Venezuela to steal its natural resources. This tactic is similar to what happened in many countries before, such as Ukraine, Paris, etc. They are all False Flag Attacks to weaken a particular country, before making their move to invade and takeover.


What do you think?


  1. This is the politics of great powers. They are looking for new colonies. Under the mask of democracy they enter other countries, plant war and chaos, use their natural resources and are rich. This country will never recover again.Vietnam, Grenada, Libya, Panama, FR Yugoslavia, Iraq, Syria …Common to all these countries is USA.

      • We know all of us here in the Balkans. Yugoslavia was broken, and then Serbia, to which it took its territory Kosovo and gave it to the Albanians. Kosovo and the Balkans are rich in natural resources. Our sources of water and arable land have already been taken by foreigners, and in Kosovo there is a mine Trepcha, which is rich in lead, zinc, silver and gold. It’s all under the control of America and its NATO allies. The presidents of the state are their people, who are brought to listen to the instructions of the great powers. The small state of Macedonia had to change its name, and to introduce bilingualism, now the Albanian language is official in the country, although Albanians have less than 20%. The people said in the referendum NO for joining NATO, but that did not matter.Macedonia is the future 30 member state of the alliance. May God help the people of Venezuela.

        • i know. that is why i dont vote anymore. i know it is all their lies and garbage and i dont support either side. i was aware of everything when i got internet and i was able to research stuff on my own, which is probably around 2003.