This is not the first attempt in writing this poem. I copied the poem due to difficulty posting an image, but then the poem didn’t paste. I could not remember what I wrote very much, but I tried.
Bradley Tremmil from Virily inspires me to write in unique ways. Thank you Bradley Tremmil!
Are you a vibrantly
blooming flower or
are you a wilting one
Love every leaf
of your being
It is what will build you
from the inside out
into that one unique individual
Lovely poem. Inspiration can be found any and everywhere.
Very beautiful poem. Congratulations.
Thank you Halcombe for the nice comment.
Excellent Jen!!
The more you let go of yourself
from your yourself
to yourself
The more you will unveil yourself
I value your opinion, but I did write a better poem, but it would not copy and paste properly so I lost it. Thank you coach!
if we are
each the petals of
a flower
reaching ever towards
a sun we cannot touch
petals gently waving
as the wind swims by…
Wow Doc you are poetic indeed Thank you!
i have been writing bad poetry since I was 15 🙂 No where near as good as your poetry!
You underestimate your God given talent dear friend. It is very good!
That’s great Doc! See we all have it within us to express ourselves through any form of art.
thanks – I will stick with the reality of bad poetry for me!
Thank you Dawn for the nice comment. The original poem was better but it got lost from the copying and pasting.
That’s right, love every leaf of your being, because you are special and there is no one like you.