
Mrs. Shaw’s Pyhrric Victory

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Mrs. Eileen Shaw had reached that point in life in which she was inches from complete failure.   Over the past forty years, she had not made much of a contribution to  her family’s fortune, in fact, she was a debit.  By the age of sixty two she wound up living in a rented house, where she could barely manage the rent, then became a charity case to one set of friends then another set.

As she was not the most pleasant of people, her husband having left her after the birth of their second child, and she finding no replacement,  her friends soon reached their capacity, and she wound up living with one of her children who made the pity aspect clear.

She belonged to an organisation which operated a little dorm type of accommodation which was managed by a Miss Brown who had offended the Board which administrated that.  Appreciating that Brown was going to be disposed of, pushed herself to the fore to get the job.

The current manager,  Miss Brown, it was claimed, did nothing except collect her salary.   She enforced no rules, paid no attention to what was happening.  Hence she was to be dismissed and replaced.

Another member of the organisation was being considered, but Eileen Shaw truncated that before an offer could even be made, and gained the post.

It came with free accommodation and the duties were simple.

Eileen surveyed her new home which needed quite a bit of renovation.  She made her requests and behaved as if she had been crowned queen.   The compliance of the Board of Directors which ran the dorm fooled her into a sense of victory.

When she moved in and took up her post she had a number of duties to accomplish.  The first was to see that the rules and regulations were upheld.

As the dorm was women only, men were not allowed in the rooms.   Some of the occupiers had men in their rooms.

She spoke with them and they snorted at her. She phoned a member of the Board, who refused to give her the permission to terminate that tenant.

This humiliated her, but might have been borne if it had not come on the back of another tenant taking the key to a back door and refusing to give it up.

She didn’t want to call the Board and complain,  because it made her seem totally powerless.

And that is when she realised why the previous manager had done absolutely nothing at all whatsoever during the ten years she was in charge.

It dawned on Mrs. Shaw that the previous manager must have encountered similar problems and being unable to solve them decided not to encounter problems.

Not to notice anything.

Mrs. Shaw decided to do the same.  To live as comfortable as she could, taking her salary for doing nothing. Enjoying her free accommodation.

If she could get ten years, as did the previous manager, she’d take it.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar