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Halloween was fun

I usually have my picture taken with other people on other people’s phones because I am so used to people asking me for photos because I am 4’7″ and because I am also the coolest dwarf in the world.  Normally, something has to happen so far out of the ordinary for me to take a picture on my phone.

However, this opportunity that occurred on Halloween night gave me the chance to share this image with the masses.  I always dress up as an elf.  To my surprise, this awesome lady dressed up as a reindeer.

Notice the height discrepancy.  She is really that tall.  I am really that short.  That’s OK though because I was able to find a new Vixen for Santa Claus before Christmas.

(Pic taken on my phone)


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Written by ahol888

Coolest dwarf in the world. Expert on the topic of mediocrity.