

God, Are You There?

This is usual or common feeling of a person who is in distress. He doesn’t know what to do. His faith begins to weaken. He seems to be absolutely empty-handed for he has no one to lean on. Thus, he is overcome by his doubt.

But for those who have the unwavering faith, they never ever fail frustrated or discouraged whatever problem or challenge in life. They are happy, contented and never expect more for the kind of life they have had because of God’s blessings for them, because of their strong faith.

God is just a prayer away. He is there anywhere and ever ready to listen to a prayer of faith. And He never fails it.

Do you experience that kind of feeling? Does your faith waver when your prayer is not answered? When you needs are not meet? Or whatever?


What do you think?

Written by Gil Camporazo